The people
The Women
Rowan Amhill: A Hillgift woman. Eighteen, romantic, fervent... and as stubborn as the hill
Tansy Ironblade Amhill: Rowan's prosaic mother
Lilias: Tansy's and Sorrel's sister; a crossover
Mallow: Rowan's great-grandmother, who wore the thornfair gown
Hazel Roseward: Rowan's slightly younger cousin. Teasing, sunny-natured … and loyal
Sorrel Roseward: Tansy's and Lilias' sister and Hazel's mother.
Rubus Sweetbriar Roseward- Twin to Redberry
Genista dar Whin: A hillfayre woman, one of the last pure bloods. Mischievous, capricious, trapped by tradition and blood
Clover dar Rowan: A gift to the hill, young, curious and embracing
Mullein Hyssop: The herbwarden. Earthy, wise and bearing more than a spoonful of hillfayre blood
Fen: Mullein's daughter
Briar: Mullein's great-great-great aunt
Dame Nettle: a teacher at the cradle school
Marigold Byway: a teacher at the cradle school
Barberry: A stepmother with a strong hand and a warm heart
Cress Blessdown: a Hillgift woman with a pony that has hill blood. Cress has twin sons: Rush and Reed
Daisy Marle: woolwoman of Hillgift
Dame Yarrow: last Lady May. Old, tenacious and regretful
Anise: Yarrow's sister: dec.
Thrift: Ash Coleman's deceased Cliffbloomer mother
Bloss Stepwater: An old friend of Rowan's; now a Crossover living in Cliffbloom
Bellheather Stepwater: Bloss' mother and a kindly gossip
Maythorn: a hillfayre woman; ancestor of both Flynt and Mullein
Rose Greensheaf: Flynt's ancestor; a Lady May
The Men
Ashwin Coleman: A Hillgifter man. Eighteen, withdrawn, overworked but with a romantic heart
Teak Coleman: Ash's grumpy father
Con Amhill: Tansy's husband and Rowan's mother
Larch Roseward: Sorrel's husband and Hazel's mother
Redberry Roseward: twin to Rubus Sweetbriar
Flynt dan Apfel: A hillfayre man. The hill lord, whose dash of clod (villager) blood shapes his customs
Bryn dan Ash: A gift to the hill, romantic, adventurous and hopeful
Ebon dan Oak: Half-brother to Flynt
Sard dan Heysa dar Willow: a hillfayre man who has a lot of clod blood.
The Marshfayre: One of the last of the marshfayre men
Heron dan Vetch: a marshfayre Genista mentions as a possible ancestor of Ash
Pine Hemlock: A Hillgift man
Lucerne Thimblewood: Pine's apprentice
Bracken Halfacre: A Hillgift man
Lich Halfacre: Bracken Halfacre's wild son
Ling Stepwater: son of Bellheather and brother of Bloss; married to a Twentystoner Crossover
Ashwin Coleman: A Hillgifter man. Eighteen, withdrawn, overworked but with a romantic heart
Teak Coleman: Ash's grumpy father
Con Amhill: Tansy's husband and Rowan's mother
Larch Roseward: Sorrel's husband and Hazel's mother
Redberry Roseward: twin to Rubus Sweetbriar
Flynt dan Apfel: A hillfayre man. The hill lord, whose dash of clod (villager) blood shapes his customs
Bryn dan Ash: A gift to the hill, romantic, adventurous and hopeful
Ebon dan Oak: Half-brother to Flynt
Sard dan Heysa dar Willow: a hillfayre man who has a lot of clod blood.
The Marshfayre: One of the last of the marshfayre men
Heron dan Vetch: a marshfayre Genista mentions as a possible ancestor of Ash
Pine Hemlock: A Hillgift man
Lucerne Thimblewood: Pine's apprentice
Bracken Halfacre: A Hillgift man
Lich Halfacre: Bracken Halfacre's wild son
Ling Stepwater: son of Bellheather and brother of Bloss; married to a Twentystoner Crossover
The Others
Talfryn: the hillfayre pony: a shaggy pale grey belonging to Flynt
Brighteyes aka The cat from the hill: calico companion to Dame Yarrow
Piper: the skewbald pony belonging to Cress Blessdown in the village
Flutewood: Fernborn's dam and Piper's grandam; a pony from the hill
Flower: Daughter of Flutewood and dam of Piper
Fernborn: a grey hillfayre pony with a parti-coloured mane and mismatched eyes.
Mab, Dessie, Mel and Demma: cows belonging to Sorrel Roseward
Cushie: Mullein Hyssop's cow
Tessin: the pony belonging to Rowan Amhill's family